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To provide by mutual association of members, a forum to promote progressive safety, thinking and action relative to emergency response and fire service training, and to provide a medium for exchange of information and ideas among fire service training officers.
100.00 - Bylaws (docx)
Download201.00 - Incident Safety (docx)
Download202.00 - High Rise (docx)
Download205.00 - Staging (docx)
Download300.00 - Structure Fire Policy (docx)
Download301.00 -Structure Fires (docx)
Download401.00 - RIC (docx)
Download402.00 - RIC Equipment List (pdf)
Download501.00 - Emergency Button Activation (docx)
Download601.00 - Rescue Task Force (docx)
Download701.00 - Post Fire Decontamination (docx)